"In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men.  And the Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it... There it was - the true Light coming into the world that illumines every person." John 1:3,4,9
"... so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers ad authorities in the heavenly places."
Eph 3:10

Dear Friends and Beloved Ones,

major shift took place in the heavenlies as we entered the month of December!  Especially after the death of president Mandela:  an old era came to an end and a new era was introduced.

December is the month that we celebrate Jesus and the fact that God the Father sent His only Son to overcome death and to give us ETERNAL LIFE!  Jesus is LIFE and He is the LIGHT of the world.  And that is what we want to and should celebrate!  LIFE!

Deut 30:19 says that God called heaven and earth as His witnesses and He set before us LIFE and DEATH.  And then He says 'CHOOSE LIFE SO THAT YOU AND YOUR DESCENDANTS MAY LIVE'.

When we celebrate Jesus we choose LIFE! When we BELIEVE His Word, we choose life!  When we love, we choose life!  When we show mercy, we choose life.  When we forgive, we choose life.  When we serve, we choose life.  When we give to the needy, we choose life.

Therefore it is not surprising that the enemy tries to hijack this month for his purposes by overwhelming the media with reports of deaths through accidents, suicide and murder.  December became known as the month with the highest suicide rate.  Feelings of depression, loneliness and abandonment overcome so many people during this time.

I am not even surprised that president Mandela's death was announced in December and that his funeral will be in this month.  The enemy tries to draw our attention and focus our emotions on death.

But still God is saying to us:  I set before you life and death.  CHOOSE LIFE so that you and your descendants may live!  We can choose life, because He Who is LIFE lives inside of us and He already overcame death! And He Who is in us is greater than he that is in the world.


"Making known the mystery of His will, according to His purpose, which He set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth." (Eph 1:9-10)

When we asked the Lord for a word for every month of 2012, the Lord showed us a huge ear for December.  This is the month where we need to incline our ear to the Lord to hear His heart for the coming year.

31st of December is a gateway from an old year to the new year.  

In the Old Testament we read that the Law was read in the gates so that those who would come in to the city will know what is legal and what is illegal.  And where there is no law there is lawlessness!  We need to stand in the gateways of our lives and declare God's Word and His law over our lives!

Ephesians 3:10 says that through us, the "church, the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers ad authorities in the heavenly places".

To know what the manifold wisdom of God is for you, your family and your nation, you need to incline your ear to the Lord and wait on Him to speak His heart for 2014.  We are now, especially in a critical time where we need to hear God's heart, not only for the coming year, but for the new era that we are entering.  If God says 'incline your ear', it means He is ready to speak to you and me.  So, don't believe the lie of the enemy that you cannot hear the voice of God.  We are His sheep and He says that His sheep will know His voice!

When you know what God is saying to you about the coming year, you need to stand on the 31st of December and make it known to the rulers and authorities in heavenly places.

When we release God's wisdom and His heart for our lives through proclamation, it is like the setting up of spiritual fences around our lives, our nation  and the territory God has entrusted to us.  Remember, where there is no fence the enemy can come and go as he wish and then we will always wonder whether the things that happen to us are from God, the enemy or ourselves!

But when you know what God is saying about 2014, you will immediately perceive when the enemy tries to deceive or distract you!

A typical proclamation that you can make on New Year's Eve:
"Lord, I make known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places, that You have a plan for my life, and it is a plan to prosper me and not to harm me.  I declare that the plan of the enemy raised up against me will not be successful, but Your plan for my life will be active and progressing to the point of fulfillment, in the Name of Jesus"

"Lord, I praise You that we can enter this new era with You.  I declare in the gateway of 2014, that You are the only God, the Protector and Provider of this nation.  I declare that this nation belongs to God because the blood of Jesus was shed for every person in this nation.  I declare that the plans of the enemy will not come to fulfillment but that Your plan for our nation will be fulfilled and that our nation will be to the glory of God."

December is also a typical month where many new laws and strategies are devised and prepared for implementation while everyone is on holiday and not on the alert.  Let us pray together that the Holy Spirit will expose every evil plan of the enemy and that none of his strategies and plans will succeed.  Pray that what is devised in the darkness will be brought to light and declared null and void.  

Let us declare righteousness and justice over our nation!
Let us declare that God's love will govern this nation!
Let us declare that every kingdom and dominion in SA will serve the Kingdom of God (Dan 7:25-27)
Let us declare that His Kingdom will come in SA as it is in heaven!


I believe that everything that happened in 2013 was preparation for 2014.  I know that many of us experienced deep disappointment in people, churches, leaders and governmental institutions.  We are even disappointed in ourselves ... and maybe in God as well?  I believe that God wanted to show us in 2013 that no one is the answer, except Him and Him alone!  The world doesn't have the answers!  God alone has the answers and IS THE ANSWER!

He has given us the Holy Spirit Who knows the heart of God and Who releases His heart and divine strategies for breakthrough to us!

I believe that we have been set up for 2014 to see the Kingdom of God established on the earth like never before.


Let's look at the symbolism of the number 14, in a nutshell:  

deliverance/release from captivity; perfect timing; new cycle

When God spoke to Moses about the last plague of the death of the firstborns, He commanded them to kill the lamb on the 14th of that month.  The angel of death passed over and the Israelites were released from their captivity.

Perfect Timing:
In Matthew we read the genealogy of  Jesus: 3 sets of 14 generations -- from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, from David to Babylon fourteen generations, and from Babylon to the Christ  fourteen.

Jesus didn't come in the 11th or 15th generation.  He came in the 14th generation after Babylon to come and set the whole world free from captivity.

Here is some insight about 2014 as a 'Right Time Gate" from Eunice van der Merwe:

In my voorbereiding vir ’n Vrouekamp in Februarie 2014 met die tema “Appointed time” kom die volheid van hierdie kunswerk deur James Nesbit vir my na vore. Veertien (14) beteken “God’s perfect timing”. Daar is egter meer hieraan. Ek ervaar ’n God-orde, ’n tyd wat ingefokus is op iets baie spesifiek!
In die Hebreeus is die letter DALET   ook die nommer 4, wat DEUR beteken. Profetiese woord, vanuit elke oord dui op 2014 as die jaar van die Geopende deur (Openbaring 3:8). Veertien hou ook verband met Jakob wat toegelaat was om vir 14 jaar vir Laban te werk. En dit was oppad na Laban dat Jakob die droom gehad het van die geopende hemel waaruit hy ’n trap gesien het met Engele wat op en af beweeg. ’n Geopende deur in die hemel, ook ’n oop hek. En ook gesien as ’n ‘heavenly portal’
Tydens hierdie kamp sal ons ook die Amandel olie vrystel, en ook hiermee maak God dit duidelik dat Sy perfekte tyd daarvoor geld. Met my voorbereiding lees ek Jeremia 1:11,12 “Verder het die woord van die HERE tot my gekom en gesê: Wat sien jy, Jeremia? En ek antwoord: Ek sien ‘n amandeltak. Toe sê die HERE vir my: Jy het goed gesien, want Ek is wakker oor my woord om dit te volbring!”
Amandel, “shaked’ in Hebreeus beteken ‘wakeful or hastener’.
En as GPC span ervaar ons presies dit: God is baie haastig dat ons, op die bepaalde tyd (en dit is HIER) die DEUR na die bonatuurlike dimensie IN God sal betree, wat duidelik in jou natuurlike omstandighede SAL manifesteer. Die bonatuurlike sal vir jou natuurlik wees. Betree die ‘RIght TIME GATE’ ... Dit is HIER!


New Cycle:
When God instructed Moses about the last plague, He said to Moses that "this month will be the first month".  He changed the calendar of that time!

When Jesus was born, the same happened again!  We are now referring to so many years Before Christ (BC) and so many years After Christ (AC).

Completion and fulfillment:
Seven is the number of completion and spiritual fulfillment.  This will be a year of double completion and spiritual fulfillment in many areas if we allow the Holy Spirit to do what He purposed for us!  Do you remember what God said to Job?  Your latter years will be better than your former years!


(Apply your prayers and proclamations not only to your own life, but to your family, city and nation).

1.  Jesus already set us free through the PERFECT WORK OF THE CROSS!  Even so, we allowed the enemy to take us into captivity through his lies and disappointment.  Many of us are prisoners of depression, loneliness, rejection, bitterness and so many other things.  I believe that we are entering a time where God wants to se us free from those areas in our lives where we couldn't get a breakthrough; those areas where we have no joy.  But you need to align yourself with God to receive this freedom by believing again and through that, choose life!  Your faith aligns you with God.  The Word says that "without faith it is impossible to please God".

"But without faith it is impossible to please God.  For whoever would come near to God must believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him."  (Hebr 11:6)

Rise up and declare to the heavenlies that you will be free from the lies, deception and oppression of the enemy and that you will live to the fulness that God intended for you!  Declare that every wall of isolation the enemy built around you will be broken down in the Name of Jesus!

Repent if you made an idol of anyone or anything.  That means, did you expect someone else to provide for you in things where God wanted to provide?  Did you expect others to make you happy and became angry when they didn't, instead of walking in the joy of the Lord?  Are you always offended with others?

Repent and declare that the Lord God is your Joy, your Provider, your Protector ... your One and only God and Lord!  Declare that your joy is in the Lord, not in circumstances.  Declare that His plan for you is safe in His hands!

2.  It is God's time for you to walk out of an old era into a new era.  You must choose to leave the old things behind and embrace the new that God has for you.

"I am the Lord; that is My Name!  And My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to graven images.  Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them.  Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise from the end of the earth!"  (Isaiah 42:9-10)

Make the decision to leave the old things behind and embrace the new things God has for you.  

Let's pray together:
* that South Africa will enter into the new era with Jesus as our God and King; the only God and King!
* that the people of SA will embrace the words president Mandela spoke that is in line with the heart of God for SA.
* that no one in SA will be stuck in the old era of racism, oppression, bitterness, fear, pride and greed, but that everyone will be launched into the amazing new era God has for us as a nation.


3.  Many of us had so many prophetic words and promises from God's Word over I lives and I believe we will see the fulfillment of many of them in 2014.  I can imagine that the Israelites never thought they would be free from oppression when God sent Moses and Jesus to bring freedom!  Yet, it was God's perfect timing!

God came and displayed His power in every area of life and showed Himself superior to all things!  He came with miracles, through Moses and Jesus, and overcame the work of the enemy.  In Jesus' case He overcame death and gave us eternal life!

God wants to display His power again to the nations of the earth and He is going to do it through you and me!  We must believe and be ready for God to release His love, His power and His glory in and through us in a way that the world around us will know, there is but ONE GOD, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

We must choose God's will and His plan above our own comforts and selfish desires.  We must choose His love above bitterness and anger.  We must choose His unity above racism and division.  We must choose His character and His ways above the ways of the world.

"Seek first of all His Kingdom and His righteousness, and then all these things taken together will be given you."  (Matt 6:33)

Lord, we thank You for the preparation in the old era which positioned us for the new era.  We open our hearts to receive your instruction for the new era and we pray that You will give us the boldness to choose the new and leave the old behind.  

Thank You!

I praise God for each one of you who allowed the Holy Spirit to change you, position you and prepare you for an amazing year in 2014!  You have been chosen for a time such as this.  You are dangerous to the enemy because He Who lives in you is more powerful than he who lives in the world!  God needs your love, humility and total obedience for 2014 because He wants to release His glory in the earth in 2014.  Position yourself and say "Lord, I long to see Your Kingdom established in my life, my family and my nation.  Here I am.  Not my will but Your will be done".  This is a serious prayer and you must only do it if you are serious about it.

Thank you for choosing LIFE!  Thank you for allowing the Light of the world to illumine you!  Thank you for being a witness of the love and power of the King of kings.

I bless you with open spiritual ears and eyes during the summer holidays.  I bless you to HEAR what God wants to say to you in this time.  I bless you to stand on the 31st of December with proclamations you received from God to speak into 2014.  I bless you with HOPE to flood your spirit as you make these proclamations.  I bless you with the boldness to CHOOSE LIFE in every situation.  I bless you with WORSHIP that will rise up in your spirit everyday of this month and during your holidays.

Thank you for your love and support during 2013!  I look forward to enter 2014 with the precious warrior-bride of Jesus Christ.

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