Our Global Position

Daniel 7:27  "And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heavens shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High;  His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions shall serve and obey Him"

Ephesians 2:6 "And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together in the heavenly sphere in Christ Jesus."

God has given us a global position in Christ at the right hand of the Father.  The enemy will try everything to keep you out of that position because he knows the power that we have as believers when we understand the position God has given us.  He does it by attacking you on a personal level and cause all your energy and focus to be on a personal level.

The Bible says in Matthew 13:39 that 'the harvest it at the end of the world'.  The harvest is ready when the plant reached full maturity.  It is not only the wheat that matured but the tares as well.  As God's children mature, the evil also matures, and we can see that in the world today!

God is omni-present whereas the devil is not!  He tries to make himself omni-present through the use of media and entertainment.  It is clear that the enemy already operates on a global level.  Things like pornography, human trafficking, drug trafficking, immorality, diseases (swine flu) and even the economy already takes place on a global level.

But we must not forget that WE, as the children of God and the ARMY of God has the true global position!  We must take that position and pray from that position.

A judge has the power to send someone to prison for life while he sits in the judgement seat in the courtroom.  If he walks in the street or goes home he doesn't have the same power!  He has the education and the authority only while he is in the right position.  As believers we often try to exercise our authority from the position of a victim.  We need to understand that we are victors through the powerful blood of Jesus and the perfect work He did on the cross for us.  And we need to understand that we have the global position in Jesus Christ at the right hand of the Father!

When the enemy comes against you on a personal level, for example there is a crisis with your child, don't just pray for your child, pray for all the children who experience the same problems.  When your marriage is going through difficult times, don't only pray for your marriage, but for all marriages to be healed and restored!

The enemy will come against you on a personal level, but come against him from a global level!

I bless you to stand in the global authority God has given you to overcome the works of the enemy in your life!

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