Monday, 25 January 2016


God is Love!
Come and Celebrate His Love with us!

Worship will be led by Karen Meerholz
Speakers:  Ohna Eksteen and Carol Singleton Lindeque

And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets to Dwell In(Isaiah 58:12)

Dearly Beloved,

FEBRUARY is a month that the whole world celebrate LOVE, yet most of them do not even know LOVE: GOD Who says ‘I AM LOVE’.

We invite you to a morning where we will lift up our hearts and our voices to worship the King of Kings and the Lord of all.  We will enter into a time of loving Him, and allow the precious Holy Spirit to remove the blockages from our hearts and mind that stops us from an intimate relationship with Him.

God wants the ruins of our lives to be rebuilt!  He wants to restore our faith in His love for us so that the motivation for everything we do will be His love for us and our love for Him.  That will be established by truth and worship.

We will do monthly seminars with a prophetic impact trusting and allowing the Holy Spirit to raise us up as ‘Repairers of the Breach and Restorers of Streets to dwell in”.  We trust the Holy Spirit to release His powerful sound through us not only to change the atmosphere and impact our lives, but that of our nation.

Herman and Ohna Eksteen
Danie and Carol Singleton Lindeque
Dennis and Trudie van Lingen
Cobus and Elserina Pieterse

Violence shall no more be heard in your land, nor devastation or destruction within your borders, but you shall call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise.   (Isaiah 60:18)

RSVP before the 6th of February 2016 to ensure your place.  Places are limited.
You can send a mail to or phone Carol @ 082 333 3411

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Word for 5776 (2016)

It is Rosh Hashanah today, 14 September 2015, the first day of the year 5776.  This first day is a very strategic gateway from the old year into the new year.  We need to stand in this gate and declare what God says about this year.

Eph 3:10 says "[The purpose is] that through the church the complicated, many- sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities (principalities and powers) in the heavenly sphere."

When we declare the prophetic word of the Lord, we speak God's purposes into being because God promises that He will fulfill His own Word.

When we declare what God is saying, it brings clarity in our own hearts regarding what God wants to do in our lives, families and nations.  Then we will quickly recognize when the enemy brings something in our lives which is not in line with what the Lord said about this year.  It removes the confusion of wondering whether something is from God or from the devil or from yourself.


I would like to share what the Lord revealed to us about this year.  This is by all means not an extensive list!


On 20 December 2013, the UN proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light.

The year 5776 is, according to the masons, the Anno Lucis, year of Light or, some say the year of Lucifer (who comes like an angel of light).  

In the time to come we might experience the biggest clash between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness!  The prince of darkness wants to establish his kingdom on this earth, but the Lord has given us, the believers and the church, dominion and rulership with Him as we are seated in Christ at the right hand of the Father!  

Isaiah 60:1-3
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.  For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.  And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising."

God is the Father of Light  
James 1:17
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."

Jesus came to earth as the Light of the World
John 1:4-5 
"In him was life, and the LIFE was the LIGHT of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

You are the Light of the World
First of all the darkness and compromise that is still hiding inside of us will be confronted with the Light because the Lord wants to establish His Truth and His Light inside of us.  The Light inside of us is our weapon against the darkness because the darkness cannot stand before the Light, it has to flee!

Matt 5:14
"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden."


In the beginning of the year the Lord gave me a vision where I saw God with a huge sickle in His hands, reaping the harvest.  He gave me a bowl of seed and I started sowing where He already reaped.  The Lord said to me that the harvest of the past season is being reaped and the seed that is being sown right now is the end-time seed:  the seed that will bring forth the end-time harvest.  

Take care of the seeds that you are sowing.  Be careful of what you say and speak over yourself, your family, friends and your nation.

Declare that you will sow the seeds, the words the Lord gives you and that the harvest will be for a glory unto God.  Let your words be carriers of love and hope!

2 Cor 9:10-11
"He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God."


A few months ago, before I was aware of the enormity of these global events converging, the Lord gave me a procession of eight visions.  I could understand most of them but there was one that I couldn't understand at the time and the look in Jesus' eyes unnerved me a little because I could sense the significance of it.

I saw Jesus sitting hunched in front of the globe.  Planted in the globe I could see the cross.  Jesus embraced the globe and I could experience His amazing love for the nations of this world.  Then I saw Jesus still sitting hunched before the globe but this time He had a huge nail (peg) in His hand.  His hand, with the nail in it, was lifted up and I realized that He was ready to drive the nail into the earth.  I couldn't understand what it meant until a few days ago.

I watched and read some of the reports about the global events when I suddenly stopped and asked the Lord to speak to me personally about this year that is to come.

I knew that the Hebrew year 5776 will started on the eve of 13 September 2015.  I looked at the meaning of '6' and was stunned!  The sixth character in the Hebrew alphabet is 'Vav' which means "nail, tent peg or hook"!  'Vav' is also used like the word 'and' in English, and therefore carries the inherent meaning of connecting two things.

The Lord spoke to me about the nail and said:  it was the nails that pierced Jesus' hands and feet and killed His flesh.  But the result of His flesh dying had powerful results:
1.  He went down to hell to take back the keys
     Rev 1:18 "I died, but see, I am alive forevermore; and I possess the keys of death and Hades."
2.  He overcame death and was resurrected
3.  He was seated at the right hand of the Father in heavenly places
4.  All authority in heaven and on earth was given to Him

"And the key of the house of David I will lay upon his shoulder; he shall open and no one shall shut, he shall shut and no one shall open.
And I will fasten him like a peg or nail in a firm place; and he will become a throne of honor and glory to his fathers house."   Isaiah 22:22-23

The nail that Jesus was to drive back into the earth symbolized that it is time for His children to die to self and to get our hearts focussed on the Bridegroom King, Jesus Christ!  As we die to ourselves and become totally dependent on the Lord, being led by the Holy Spirit, the Lord will release strategic keys to us to shut and to open what He wants to shut and what He wants to open resulting in us ruling and reigning with Christ here on earth.

The enemy is currently releasing keys of knowledge to people on earth to open the demonic realm on a global level.  Jesus took the keys of Hades and He says that He will give keys to us to shut and no one will open, to open and no one will shut!

A while ago the Lord said that the end-time is not about an election, it is all about a WEDDING!
Rev 19: 7 "Let us rejoice and shout for joy! Let us celebrate and ascribe to Him glory and honor, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has prepared herself."

We as believers must be like a bride who leaves the house of her father and mother and cleave to her Bridegroom!  Laying down our lives as we have known it and become part of His life, coming under the banner of love, protection and provision of His Names.  Dying to our own agendas, offenses and rejection!

We must draw near to God in intimacy.  He longs for us and our desire for His presence must increase until we are more aware of Him than anything else on this earth.  We must cultivate His presence in our lives.

Believe that He dwells in you, because He dwells in you through faith!
Eph 3:17 "... so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith ..."

The Bride must prepare Herself.  She must be pure and holy.  The Lord spoke to Carol Arnot from the Toronto Airport church and said that a major move of the Holy Spirit will be released on the earth.  It will not come through one or two people but it will come through a multitude of people and it will be a MOVE OF HOLINESS.


Choose once again to believe in God, in His Word and in His Spirit.  Choosing God is choosing Life!  Not choosing God is choosing death.
Deut 30:19 "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, 20 loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days"


In this time the enemy will fight for your heart and your destiny by separating you from God through disappointment and offense.  

You need to declare that you have but One Lord, Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and I recognize my need for You. I thank You that You died for me on the cross, and I accept You as Christ, my Redeemer. I invite You now to become the Lord of each area of my life: Lord of my spirit and my relationship with You; Lord of my spiritual consciousness and worship, Lord of my mind, my relationships, my belief, my imagination, my dreams and all my thoughts; Lord of my emotions, expressions of my feelings and all my reactions; Lord of my will and all my decisions, Lord of my body, my physical health, exercises, food, my rest, my appearance and all my behavior;
The Lord of my eyes and what I look at, the Lord of my ears and all that I hear, the Lord of my lips and about what I say, the Lord of my hands and all that I do, and the Lord of my feet wherever I go. Lord of my sexuality and its expression; Lord of my time, my work, my service, my pleasures, my house, my family, my property, my personal needs, my finances, my plans, my ambitions, my future and all my relationships.
(Borrowed from a healing and deliverance school)

We often feel angry and blame God for what really was the Satan's work.  This causes walls between us and God, closing our ears to hear His voice and our hearts to feel His love.  Break down the walls between you and the Lord by repenting of blaming God or being offended with Him, because He is not the guilty One!  He is the Way, the Truth and the Life!  There is no one who is as faithful and powerful as Jesus, Who cares deeply for you and Who is the one Who gives you life, hope and a destiny!

"Lord, I confess that I blamed You for things that You were not responsible for.  Please forgive me.  I know You hate what Satan has done in my life.  Thank you for loving me and breaking down down the walls of separation between us.  Thank you for removing offense from my heart.  I open my heart to receive Your love once again and I incline my ear to hear Your voice again."

The accuser, the Devil, accuses you day and night before the Lord (Rev 12:10).

Repent of your sins because repentance removes the legal right of the devil to accuse you before God.  Your repentance cleanses you and brings holiness into your life as you turn away from sin and turn to God.

Pray this prayer of repentance over yourself and your family line:

"Father God, I come before You in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour and Lord.  I confess that I have sinned and done evil in Your sight.  Thank you, Father, for sending Your only Son to die in my place, to pay the penalty for my sins through His shed blood and to bear the punishment for my sins and iniquities in His bruised and broken body on the cross.

Thank you, Father that He was wounded that I may be healed.  I confess any ungodly thoughts and negative emotions that have an ill effect on me and my family.  I confess the sins of negative fear and anger in me and my family.  I confess the operation of the sin or iniquities of rejection, fear of rejection, or self-rejection in me or my family.  I confess any sin that has led to mental illness in me or my family.  I confess sexual sin in me or my family line, known and unknown.  I confess any sin or iniquity that led to the destruction of marriage through divorce in my family line.  I confess the effects of war on my family.  I confess any sin or iniquity that has led to untimely death in my family.  I confess any sin of unresolved grief from death.  I confess any lying and/or deception in me or my family.  I confess amy sin or iniquity of false guilt.  I confess any feelings of needing to be punished or blamed.  I confess any sin or iniquity of religious restrictions and constrictions, either from a Christian denomination or a church, or from false religions or occult involvement.  I confess any involvement or tampering with occult power, witchcraft or the hidden things of darkness.  I confess any sins or iniquities of pronouncements, inner vows, false judgements or curses.  I confess that I have not taught my children the ways of God.  I confess where mothers in the family line have dominated, manipulated, controlled and/or despised the men in our family line.  I confess and recognize possible ungodly attitudes and belief systems in my family or cultural background.  I confess any sins or iniquities that led to hereditary illnesses and/or weaknesses.  Father God, I come before You confessing and renouncing these sins and iniquities.  I repent and turn from them and ask You to forgive and to cleanse me with the precious blood of Jesus.  Thank you, Jesus, for cleansing me.  Please heal me, renew me and lead me in Your way, Lord Jesus.  Amen."
(Borrowed from a healing and deliverance school)


There is a major spiritual battle raging for the kingship of the earth!  The way that we establish kingship is through worship.  Every time you worship someone or something, you strengthen his presence on earth.  God is the only One Who is worthy to be praised! 

Psalm 22:28

"For kingship belongs to the Lord, and He rules over the nations."

Psalm 22:3
"But You are holy, O You Who dwell in the praises of Israel"

Lord, I pray that You will breathe over Your children, that worship will rise up in our hearts and that the earth will be filled with the sound of worship to the King of all Kings, and the Lord of all!  As You breathe, Lord, I pray that Your breath of life remove depression and hopelessness from our hearts.  Fill our hearts with worship and thanksgiving to You and turn our hearts away from the things of the world.

Lord, I call the Bride of Christ, Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.  For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD WILL ARISE UPON YOU, and his glory will be seen upon you.

I declare that we are the carriers of Your light and You sent us into this world to be a light to the world.  Let Your light shine through us and drive out the darkness wherever we go.  The Life and Light, Jesus Christ, already overcame death and darkness!

Lord, I call Your Bride to intimacy!  I pray that our heart will not be burdened by the cares and worries of the world, but that our heartS be filled with the knowledge of the goodness, faithfulness and kindness of the Lord.  

Eph 2:17-18 "I always pray to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him, by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you".

Lord, I pray that You will reveal to us where we walk in the flesh and that You will help us to be led by the Holy Spirit alone.

Thank You Father, for releasing new joy, hope and faith to Your children!  Thank you, that no matter what, You will strenght us and make us  steadfast in our faith and in our relationship with You, rejoicing in Your goodness, protection and provision.

You are an awesome God!  And the nations will know there is but ONE GOD, Jesus Christ!

I bless you to be a blessing to those around you, a blessing to your nation and a blessing to the nations in this year!  I bless you to be the head and not the tail!  I bless you to choose LIFE and not death!  I bless you to be a worshipper in Spirit and in Truth!  I bless you to be a lover of God and a hater of evil!  I bless you to make yourself ready as the Bride of Christ!  I bless you, precious Son and Daughter of the King!

Monday, 21 July 2014


"... and many nations shall come, and say:  Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways

and that we may walk in his paths." Micah 4:2

"Come, I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb". Rev 21:9

Marriage is so sacred to God that He chose to use it in reference to His Son, Jesus Christ and the church.  We, as the church, are in a constant process of being prepared as the Bride of Christ and we have the promise, that the Bridegroom Jesus will return to fetch His Bride.

Therefor, every wedding is a prophetic action reminding the devil and the whole world that there is a wedding being planned in heaven for Jesus, the Bridegroom and His Bride, the church!  It should not be surprising that the enemy try to steal the desire to marry from the hearts of men and women who love one another, because He hates being reminded of this awesome event that will make the universe reverberate with Love and Life Himself and unite heaven and earth!

There is one mistake we make:  we think our wedding and marriage is a very personal issue and we try to deal with it on a very personal level, while it speaks and points to the greatest global event of all time that will take place!

Let me explain how God revealed this to me.  While I was in relationship with Danie and started thinking of marriage, fear gripped my heart and thoughts of, 'what if he changes after the wedding', 'what if he is unfaithful', 'what if we struggle to serve God together'.  And I felt that I will not be able to make a commitment for life.  Because I still saw marriage as a personal issue and I was afraid that I will not be able to deal with the challenges of marriage.

Then the Lord spoke to me and said: "Don't think that your marriage and union with Danie is because you have been single for a long time and you and him deserve love.  This union is for My Kingdom to advance.  Seek first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added unto you!"

That pulled me out of my personal level and positioned me back onto the global/kingdom level God gave us!  While I thought about my own happiness, God was thinking of the corporate anointing and the power of two to advance His kingdom!  One let one thousand fall and two let TEN thousand fall!

I was immediately aligned with the kingdom of God and I knew that I will be with Danie until the time comes that the Lord takes us home!  And when we have a disagreement, we will have to work through it until we reach unity ... for the sake of the Kingdom of God!  That means laying down our pride and desire to be right and fighting for what God fights for:  Love, unity, humility!  That means that I am not fighting for myself but for the Kingdom of God!


While planning my wedding in Pretoria, I once again made the mistake to plan it on a personal level!  We would get married in Pretoria because it made sense: our church is there, most of our friends are there and there is enough place to accommodate the family...  Yet it felt like such a struggle in my spirit until I thought to ask the Lord why I felt this way. Something I should have done right from the beginning!  The Lord simply answered: 'You know where you should get married'.

Approximately eight years ago I ministered in Zurich and during my time there the pastor, a friend of mine, took a group of us up a mountain in Switzerland and pointed out that you can see 6 countries from that mountain: Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy, France and Liechtenstein.  I responded without thinking with the words 'If I ever get married, I want to get married on this mountain because I want a man with vision!'

Sometimes we say these things not realizing that it is God speaking through you and that you are prophesying over your own life!  

So, when the Lord spoke to me I, of course knew He was speaking about that mountain.  I was shocked and surprised but I could feel an excitement flooding my spirit!  My immediate thoughts were 'Oh my goodness, how are we going to organize this!  How much is this going to cost!  How is Danie going to respond to this! And the worst of all, my friend is not in Zurich anymore, but in Germany!  Who is going to help us organize this?'  In spite of all these questions I felt excitement flooding my spirit!

After we prayed about it together the Lord clearly said: 'Go and get married in the spring of Europe and bring the spring back into the autumn of South Africa'.  Of course there is a mandate for South Africa hidden in these words!

After the Lord told us to get married in May, I discovered that the flower for the month of May is the 'LILY OF THE VALLEY'! My friends prepared a bridal bouquet for me made up of roses and the lily of the valley!

To make a long story short:  I contacted my friend in Germany and my friends in Switzerland and the Spirit of the Lord came on all of us and He used these precious sons and daughters of God to help organize this wedding and make it special beyond words!

As you might remember, our engagement on the Red Square was a prophetic action declaring that as I, as a Bride accepts Danie's request for betrothal, Russia, as the Bride of Christ will return to Jesus, her Bridegroom God and be betrothed to Him again!  

So I asked the Lord why He really wants us to get married on that mountain?  The Lord said that our wedding must be a declaration that the European Union was the world's strategy for unity in Europe but the Lord will raise up His One Bride in Europe to establish true unity!  Therefore, I asked the Lord for the representation of the seven nations at our wedding.  Our wedding guests represented people from Russia, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, South Africa and Romania!

It was glorious to stand on that mountain as a Bride and Bridegroom, knowing that our wedding is not only about us but it declared God's heart for the nations as we stood together, praised an worship, and Jonee blowing the shofar!

It was glorious!  The moment I chose God's way for our wedding, everything came alive in us!  I praise God for the amazing friends in Switzerland who heard the heart of God and immediately came in line with His heart with so much energy, love, joy and support!  We were overwhelmed by their hospitality and passion for the Lord and what He wanted to do!

I could have missed it so easily if I get thinking of it as 'my wedding'.  

Col 1:16 says "For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together."


One of the greatest revelations God gave me on our wedding day, was the reaction of the people when they saw a bride where they did not expect to see one.  Santis Mountain attract quite a lot of international tourists in spring and summer because of the spectacular view.

When I arrived at the bottom I could see people wandering around, looking up at the majesty of the mountain taking photographs.  The moment they saw me their faces would change.  I saw surprise on their faces as they saw the bride.  It changed into excitement as they would turn to the others in their company urging them to look, getting in position to steal a photograph of the bride!  As I got closer to them they would join in the celebration shouting congratulations.  For a moment they would forget about their surroundings and even their purpose for being there because they were captivated by the bride!

As this continued to happen as I went up the mountain, walking around on top, walking through a restaurant to our event room, I realized God was trying to get my attention.

As I waited for the signal to enter the wedding room, the Holy Spirit gently spoke to me and said 'That is how the world will respond when they see the Bride of Christ, without spot or wrinkle, glorious and ready to meet her Bridegroom, Jesus Christ!  The Bride of Christ will capture the attention of the world, they will forget what they are busy with and they will become part of the wedding celebration!

This was once again demonstrated when we arrived at the guest house after the wedding.  They had an open market in the streets right in front of our guest house that day which ended at 14:00.  But the people still sat around wooden tables, enjoying themselves and laughing aloud.  When we arrived and I got out of the car, once again the bride caught their attention and they shouted, whistled and clapped hands as they congratulated us and celebrated with us!

God is busy raising up His One Bride all over the world and when He reveals her in her beauty and bridal array to the world, she will captivate the hearts and the attention of the world inviting them to become part of the greatest wedding feast of all ages!


I pray that the Lord will captivate our hearts first, the heart of His Bride, until our focus is entirely on Him and Him alone. 

May our hearts, desires, dreams and expectations be for Him!  
May we choose to believe in the future He has planned for us, His Bride!  
May we have the boldness to allow the Holy Spirit to remove all wrong mantles (pride, self-importance, inferiority, fear, poverty, sickness) from us!  
May He undress us from every filthy rag of lies and deception and may He clothe us with His LOVE, TRUTH, HOLINESS, JOY and PEACE.  
May we become the beautiful, glorious Bride He intended us to be!

May the world look at us, His Bride, and be captivated by her beauty and holiness and by her love for Jesus!

I bless you, beautiful Bride of Christ, to arise in His beauty and love, in the Name of Jesus!

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


Dear Friend,

God has given us a word for every month of 2013.  Each word builds and stands on the previous words.  God has also given us a canopy word for 2013:

Deut 30:19 'I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and curses; therefore, CHOOSE LIFE, that you and your descendants may LIVE, and may LOVE the Lord your God, OBEY HIS VOICE, and CLING TO HIM.  For He is your life and the length of your days, ,..."

Every day we are confronted with situations or thoughts where we need to choose LIFE or DEATH.  Make the decision to choose life in your thoughts, decisions and plans, and He, Who is Life, will empower you with His LIFE!




'As for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring about that many people should be kept alive, as they are this day.  Now, therefore, do not be afraid.  I will provide for and support you and your little ones."
Gen 50:20

This is a month in which God wants to POSITION us, physically, emotionally and spiritually to prepare us for a time of entering into His promises.

Allow the Holy Spirit to take you out of the valley of your circumstances to His holy mountain where you will hear His voice and look at your circumstances through His perspective. It is time to see His presence, His light and life in your circumstances otherwise you will not be able to move forward into His promises.

"In that day, says the Lord, I will assemble the lame, and I will gather those who have been driven away and those whom i have afflicted.  And I will make the lame a remnant, and those who were cast off a strong nation; and the Lord shall reign over them in Mount Zion from this time forth and forever."
Micah 4:6-7

Everything that happened to you in the past, what the evil one meant for destruction God meant for good.  He prepared you for a time such as this!  He now wants to position you so that you can receive life and be empowered even more by His Holy Spirit, so that He can release His glory, peace, love and divine strategies through you so that many others can receive love and be empowered!

Unforgiveness, bitterness, depression and the desire to avenge your pain will keep you out of the position God prepared for you:  a position of life and fullness in Him, a position of freedom, a position of moving with God to bring life and fullness to many other broken-hearted people.

Keep your heart prepared and alert for those moments God will bring to you, where you have to choose life or death, rejection or forgiveness.  Remember, CHOOSE LIFE!

God recently gave me a strong word: 
If you curse your roots, you curse your fruits.

God placed you in a specific physical family as well as a spiritual family so that He could form and mould you into His image.  Although those roots don't always look the way you would have wanted it, the Lord needed those roots to produce a certain character and certain fruits for His plans purposes to establish His Kingdom here on earth together with you.

Cursing your physical and spiritual roots will stop you from God's fullness for this awesome time and season that we live in!

God's heart is for you to know that every day of your life is in His hands and your destiny is safe in His hands ... if you trust Him completely with your identity, your reputation, your provision ... and your family and friends.  He will never fail you!

Remember, you will end up in situations that confront everything you are and believe in, but every time God sets before you a choice:  LIFE or DEATH.  Humble yourself and choose that which will bring forth life!  God is right there to empower you to choose life!

Thank You!

I thank my God for each one of you!  May the Holy Spirit come upon you in this month and position you on the high places with Christ; in your emotions, thoughts, desires, plans and in your spirit.

You are precious in His sight!  May you experience a new boldness and a new life saturating your inner being as you say 'yes' to the Lord every time He positions you.

Let's take our position in FAITH, in LOVE, in GRACE, in HUMILITY, in PEACE and in ABUNDANT JOY!

I bless you in the wonderful Name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and King!

Wednesday, 5 March 2014


"When Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing before him with his drawn sword in his hand. And Joshua went to him and said to him, Are you for us, or for our adversaries? 14 And he said, No; but I am the commander of the army of the Lord. Now I have come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped and said to him, What does my lord say to his servant? 15 And the commander of the Lord's army said to Joshua, Take off your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy." 
Joshua 5:13-1

Greetings to you, Beloved of the King!

At the end of 2013 I sent out a letter with the word for 2014 that spoke about "Deliverance from Captivity" and the doors that are opening up for us to walk through ... out of captivity and into the freedom Jesus purchased for us through a complete work on the cross.

We are in March now(Hebrew month Adar which spans over February and March) which was the time that Esther petitioned the king for the salvation of her nation.  In a month's time we will celebrate Passover as well, when the Israelites were led out of captivity and where they had to enter through a door that had the marks of the blood of the lamb on it.  As it is written in the Talmud, "When Adar comes, joy is increased", because of the freedom it brought them!

Jesus says 'I am the Door' and it is through the blood of Jesus that we could enter into the Kingdom of God!  As we entered into the Kingdom of God, we became ambassadors of the Kingdom of God and a gateway through whom God can release His love, His word and His power to this world.  

Therefore, 'Lift up your heads, o you gates, so that the King of Glory can come in!"(Ps 24).  Set your mind on the things above and not on the things of this world, so that the King of Glory can release His Word, His intercession, His love and His grace to a world that cries out for His intervention!

There is an outcry rising from the nations as the enemy breathes his fire of destruction and division over the nations of the earth!



"The Spirit and the Bride say 'COME!"  Rev 22:17

God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to reconcile all nations to Him.  He loves every nation and there is a dream in His heart for every nation!

The enemy hates God and his strategy is to bring division and chaos wherever he can.  He sends his spirit of racism into the hearts of people so that they can reject everything that is different to them, causing division, hatred and loss of lives!

The enemy uses the media to release lies and propaganda that brings confusion and fear to people causing them to react in self-protection against an enemy that is not really an enemy.


The conflict is mainly fueled by lies of genocide, false propaganda and a threat to the Russian people living in the Ukraine - all the time using the power of media.  God is not against the Ukraine nor against Russia.  He is the Lord of Hosts and He loves both nations!

We, the believers, are the heavenly media, as we hear and read God's Word and proclaim and speak it into the earthly atmosphere over our nations!

As believers, let's rise up and stand by God's side to release His plans and purposes for both nations through prayer and worship.  Make sure that you are not intimidated by the media and allow racism into your heart.  Make sure your prayers are void of racism.  Every nation is a treasure in God's heart!  When you pray, Russians and Ukrainians, pray as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, not as Russians and Ukrainians!

"All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you.  For kingship belongs to the the Lord, and He rules over the nations." Ps 22:27

Let us proclaim that the Kingdom of God will come in Russia and Ukraine as it is in heaven!
Let us proclaim that church in Russia and Ukraine will rise up in unity as the powerful Bride of Christ, in a spirit of LOVE, POWER and a SOUND MIND to speak God's purposes into their nations!
Let us pray that the VOICE OF THE BRIDE of RUSSIA and UKRAINE will drown out the voice of the world! 
Let us pray that the relationship that God wants to form between Russia and Ukraine will be a relationship that will empower the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
Let us pray that the counsel of the Lord, that will stand forever, will be released in the hearts and minds of the leaders of both nations!

"The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He frustrates the plans of the peoples.  The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations.  Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen as His heritage!"  Ps. 33:9


We had a 'Fragrance and Sound' Camp at the beautiful 'Heaven's Mountain View' Resort in the Galgeberg close to Robertson.  We could never imagine what God had in store for us!  We were overwhelmed by Him!

We positioned the people in their God-given position for a time such as this, in the gateway of this year where we prophetically walked out of our captivity into the freedom of Christ.  We CHOSE LIFE and NOT DEATH!  We proclaimed God's blessing and His Word over the territories He entrusted to us.

Eunice unpacked the truths about us being the aroma of Christ to God.

"But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. 15 For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, 16 to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life." 2 Cor 2:14

I spoke about the power of sound and the necessity of retaining our testimony in order to overcome (Rev 12:11).  In the practical session we discovered each one's own, unique sound, which is the sound of Christ that you carry in you and that has authority over the sound of the enemy.  It is always glorious to see the freedom and boldness that comes to people when they realize how powerfully and beautifully God works in and through them and their uniqueness.  

On Sunday we came as the corporate Bride of Christ of SA before the King of all Kings to petition the Lord for our nation.  As people came forward with their petitions, asking for the wind of the Holy Spirit to come upon SA, strong winds starting blowing around and through the hall where we were gathering.  Everyone realized that it was supernatural and started shouting praises to the Lord with loud voices!  As the petitioning went on, it happened a second time!  After we brought our corporate petition before the Lord, we went outside to release a sound of victory with singing, dancing, tambourines and shofars, worshipping the King of Kings and thanking Him for hearing our petition.
A single, white cloud formed above us which looked like the thumbprint of God!  Once again, we knew that the Lord was with us!

Thank You!

I commend you before God for your faithfulness and your love and deep desire for more of God!  I bless you to be a voice for God in the nations to release His love and end-time purposes in prayer over the nations!  Lift up your head, o you Gate, so that the King of Glory can come into your situation, your city and your nation!

I bless you in the mighty Name of Jesus, our Saviour and King!