Tuesday, 1 April 2014


Dear Friend,

God has given us a word for every month of 2013.  Each word builds and stands on the previous words.  God has also given us a canopy word for 2013:

Deut 30:19 'I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and curses; therefore, CHOOSE LIFE, that you and your descendants may LIVE, and may LOVE the Lord your God, OBEY HIS VOICE, and CLING TO HIM.  For He is your life and the length of your days, ,..."

Every day we are confronted with situations or thoughts where we need to choose LIFE or DEATH.  Make the decision to choose life in your thoughts, decisions and plans, and He, Who is Life, will empower you with His LIFE!




'As for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring about that many people should be kept alive, as they are this day.  Now, therefore, do not be afraid.  I will provide for and support you and your little ones."
Gen 50:20

This is a month in which God wants to POSITION us, physically, emotionally and spiritually to prepare us for a time of entering into His promises.

Allow the Holy Spirit to take you out of the valley of your circumstances to His holy mountain where you will hear His voice and look at your circumstances through His perspective. It is time to see His presence, His light and life in your circumstances otherwise you will not be able to move forward into His promises.

"In that day, says the Lord, I will assemble the lame, and I will gather those who have been driven away and those whom i have afflicted.  And I will make the lame a remnant, and those who were cast off a strong nation; and the Lord shall reign over them in Mount Zion from this time forth and forever."
Micah 4:6-7

Everything that happened to you in the past, what the evil one meant for destruction God meant for good.  He prepared you for a time such as this!  He now wants to position you so that you can receive life and be empowered even more by His Holy Spirit, so that He can release His glory, peace, love and divine strategies through you so that many others can receive love and be empowered!

Unforgiveness, bitterness, depression and the desire to avenge your pain will keep you out of the position God prepared for you:  a position of life and fullness in Him, a position of freedom, a position of moving with God to bring life and fullness to many other broken-hearted people.

Keep your heart prepared and alert for those moments God will bring to you, where you have to choose life or death, rejection or forgiveness.  Remember, CHOOSE LIFE!

God recently gave me a strong word: 
If you curse your roots, you curse your fruits.

God placed you in a specific physical family as well as a spiritual family so that He could form and mould you into His image.  Although those roots don't always look the way you would have wanted it, the Lord needed those roots to produce a certain character and certain fruits for His plans purposes to establish His Kingdom here on earth together with you.

Cursing your physical and spiritual roots will stop you from God's fullness for this awesome time and season that we live in!

God's heart is for you to know that every day of your life is in His hands and your destiny is safe in His hands ... if you trust Him completely with your identity, your reputation, your provision ... and your family and friends.  He will never fail you!

Remember, you will end up in situations that confront everything you are and believe in, but every time God sets before you a choice:  LIFE or DEATH.  Humble yourself and choose that which will bring forth life!  God is right there to empower you to choose life!

Thank You!

I thank my God for each one of you!  May the Holy Spirit come upon you in this month and position you on the high places with Christ; in your emotions, thoughts, desires, plans and in your spirit.

You are precious in His sight!  May you experience a new boldness and a new life saturating your inner being as you say 'yes' to the Lord every time He positions you.

Let's take our position in FAITH, in LOVE, in GRACE, in HUMILITY, in PEACE and in ABUNDANT JOY!

I bless you in the wonderful Name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and King!

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